The Intergovernmental Coordination Group meets regularly to establish and implement working plans in the Caribbean region. To address specific technical issues it has formed four Working Groups:

Working Group 1 - Monitoring and Detection Systems, Warning Guidance

The role of this Working Group is to:

  1. Advise Member States on the monitoring and detection capabilities needed for operating national tsunami warning centres.
  2. Define the threshold criteria for the monitoring and warning systems.
  3. Assure the compliance with the agreed standards for the detection systems.
  4. Ensure the effectiveness of the warning system by promoting the open exchange of seismic, sea level and other observational data in real time.
  5. Promote the sharing of experience and expertise and capacity building essential to the effective monitoring and issuance of warnings.
  6. Ensure the establishment of a fully interoperable regional tsunami warning system.


Working Group 2:  Hazard Assessment

This Working Group is tasked as follows:

  1. Review and evaluate the required methods and data sets, including bathymetry and coastal topography for determining the coastal hazards.
  2. Advise Member States on the requirements for operating the appropriate models.
  3. Develop capacity building for the appropriate modelling.


Working Group 3: Tsunami Related Services

Working Group 3 is required to:

  1. Explore and document capabilities for dissemination of existing guidance and alerts in the countries of the region.
  2. Identify the difficulties and challenges existing in the region for effective end-to-end communication and dissemination of tsunami early warnings and products.
  3. Establish strategies for the development and implementation of methods and technologies to strengthen the media and dissemination of tsunami early warnings and products by Member States.
  4. Routinely test (and periodically evaluate) the mechanisms of communication and dissemination of warnings by Member States, in order to identify weaknesses and make recommendations to help strengthen these delivery systems.
  5. Create communication protocols and standardized information identifying guidelines for:
    1. Communication and dissemination of tsunami early warning and products in all countries, for approval by the ICG.


Working Group 4: Preparedness, Readiness and Resilience

This Working Group is tasked with the following functions:

  1. Identify the public awareness and education strategies and tools that Member States can integrate into their risk reduction and emergency management programs.
  2. Support the development of guidelines for preparedness, response and recovery plans for communities and local governments and organisations which should include sharing of training and evacuation best practices.
  3. Cooperate closely with the Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre (CTIC) in carrying out its mandate and in the implementation of its program.


Task Teams are also established to support the functions of the Working Groups by carrying out specific responsibilities and producing defined outcomes.

For more information on the tenth anniversary of the ICG/CARIBE EWS...

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10th ICG/CARIBE EWS Meeting Opens on Tuesday by UNESCO and Government Officials

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